UI Designer Job Vacancy in Konstant Infosolutions Jaipur, Rajasthan – Latest Jobs in Jaipur, Rajasthan

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Full Details :
Company Name :
Konstant Infosolutions
Location : Jaipur, Rajasthan
Position : UI Designer

Job Description : Requirements and Duties:
Must have experience in design for web and mobile interfaces
Can create design for iOS or Android native apps working as per to Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines or Google’s Material Guidelines
Create Sitemaps, Workflows, Schematics, Wireframes and Blueprints
Create immersive, useful and professionally engrossed designs to be used by millions worldwide.
Design user-focused web and mobile layouts, banners and branding material.
Experience of working in a cross-departmental setup and dynamic teams
Ability to meet strict deadlines and deliver on-time results
Can participate in direct meetings and teleconferences with clients
Coordinating with programmers for specialized scripts.
Skill and Ability:
Should be adept at using tools and programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, Sketch, and Zeplin.
Qualification or certifications in related fields such as Interaction Design, New media design, Architecture, Graphic Design
Preparing, Generating, Editing & Managing images and graphics for website use.
Ability to analyze web site and website’s structural content.
Knowledge of working on the concept, prototyping and experience strategy
Proposing client’s marketing or informational content into a functional website.
Skilled to create immersive templates and wireframes of proposed website layout.
Developing website using HTML or GUI design software.
Possess hands-on graphic and web design experience.

This post is listed Under  Jaipur jobs

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