Talent & Culture Associate Job Vacancy in Accor HQ Chennai, Tamil Nadu – Latest Jobs in Chennai, Tamil Nadu

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We got a New Job Opening for

Full Details :
Company Name :
Accor HQ
Location : Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Position : Talent & Culture Associate

Job Description : Establish and maintain seamless co-ordination & co-operation with all departments of the hotel to ensure maximum cooperation, productivity, morale and guest service.
Develop and maintain effective relationships with all the employees.
Respond to queries by resolving issues in a timely and efficient manner.
Ensure that all personnel are kept well informed of department’s objectives and policies.
Motivate the team members to ensure smooth functioning of the department and promote teamwork.
Establish and maintain seamless co-ordination & co-operation with all departments of the hotel to ensure maximum cooperation, productivity, morale and guest service.
Develop and maintain effective relationships with all the employees.
Respond to queries by resolving issues in a timely and efficient manner.
Ensure that all personnel are kept well informed of department’s objectives and policies.
Motivate the team members to ensure smooth functioning of the department and promote teamwork.

This post is listed Under  Chennai jobs

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