Digital Marketing Specialist Job Vacancy in Southcentral Foundation Anchorage, AK 99508 – Latest Jobs in Anchorage, AK 99508

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Full Details :
Company Name :
Southcentral Foundation
Location : Anchorage, AK 99508
Position : Digital Marketing Specialist

Job Description : The Southcentral Foundation (SCF) Digital Marketing Specialist is responsible for managing the SCF Learning Institute’s digital marketing efforts. The Digital Marketing Specialist will primarily be working on website enhancements, social media, content creation, and search engine optimization. This position would be familiar with integrated digital marketing plans and can work with SCF Learning Institute staff to enhance, promote, and manage the online presence of the SCF Learning Institute brand.
Minimum Qualifications:
SCF programs are established to serve a primary population comprised of Alaska Native people who are affiliated with Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI) and Alaska Native and American Indian people within SCF’s geographical service area. Employees should have a thorough understanding of the cultures and the needs of this population. Such knowledge is critical to ensure the achievement of SCF’s vision of a Native Community that enjoys physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness, and mission of working together with the Native Community to achieve wellness through health and related services:
Bachelor’s degree in Communications, Design, Marketing, Journalism, Public Relations or related area; OR equivalent training and experience.
Two (2) years digital marketing experience.
Employee Health Requirements:
Compliance with our Employee Health Procedure is a condition of SCF employment. You are required to agree that you will comply with all job-related employee health screening and immunizations prior to your first day of employment. Jobs designated as a Health Care Personnel (HCP) position, requires that you have documentation that you have completed the following immunizations prior to your first day of employment: MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Hepatitis B, Influenza, T-dap (Tetanus – Diphtheria – Pertussis), and COVID-19 vaccination is required.
Bachelors or better in Communication or related field

This post is listed Under Alaska jobs

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