Baker Job Vacancy in Work Arctic Alaska – Latest Jobs in Alaska

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We got a New Job Opening for

Full Details :
Company Name :
Work Arctic
Location : Alaska
Position : Baker

Job Description : Coldfoot Camp [Summer]
Baker – Summer 2022

The baker has primary responsibility for all baking production activities required to support the ability of our “scratch” kitchen to cook delicious, handcrafted meals for a diverse make-up of guests [recreational travelers, truckers, and workers] in our 80-seat roadside café – our summer “midnight sun” season food service features both breakfast and dinner buffet service along with menu service during non-buffet hours.
Specific responsibilities include:
Execute all baking production activities required to support both buffet and menu service – focus production activities include: a sweet baked good and biscuits for breakfast buffet, desserts and bread for dinner buffet, hamburger buns for menu service, and cookies for over-the-counter sales.
Execute additional food prep activities as required.
Assist with production activities associated with “to-go” sack lunches for recreational traveler guest’s daytime activities away from Camp.
Assist with dishwashing activities as required.
Execute all cleaning activities required to leave the kitchen “absurdly clean” at the end of the shift.

The Coldfoot Camp baker position is a perfect fit for an individual who –
Has previous baking in a commercial kitchen.
Embraces the opportunity for recipe independence/creativity with desserts and bread -combined with the recipe structure of hamburger buns, biscuits, and cookies.
Views favorably the idea of working in a “scratch” kitchen versus an “industrial” production kitchen.
Views favorably the idea of working in a non-corporate work environment
Likes to work hard [not just in concept, but in reality!!!]
Thrives on work requiring serious flexibility and multi-tasking.
Views favorably the idea of having a physical work component to their workday.
Is excited about the opportunity to spend a summer “midnight sun” season and fall “aurora” season north of the Arctic Circle in Alaska’s Brooks Mountain Range – and, having the opportunity to develop meaningful relationships with coworkers and guest alike.

2:30 AM – 10:30 AM; 5 days per week
$15.00 / hour [potential for higher starting wage dependent on culinary skills and experience] PLUS gratuities PLUS $2,000.00 season completion bonus PLUS room & meals [at no cost to coworker]

This post is listed Under  Alaska jobs

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