Collection officer Wheels Job Vacancy in AU Small Finance Bank Limited Delhi, Delhi – Latest Jobs in Delhi, Delhi

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Full Details :
Company Name :
AU Small Finance Bank Limited
Location : Delhi, Delhi
Position : Collection officer Wheels

Job Description : Financial Responsibilities_Monitoring performance of Repartees, Responsible for target and incentive achievement of team members Responsible for target and incentive achievement of team member Responsible for target and incentive achievement of team member, Responsible for delivering interval based and time-bound set targets Responsible for delivering time to time set targets Responsible for delivering time to time set target, Ensuring that Collection amount is deposited in office as per company norms Responsible for delivering time to time set targets Responsible for delivering time to time set targets & Ensuring that Receipts are issued against any form of collection. (Cash/DD/Chq or any other instrument) & Ensuring to collect all and submit all required documents to proper channel for claim Processing and take follow up for claim Settlement. Non Financial Responsibilities_Deal with customer with integrity & honesty, should be involved objectively in the transaction, without seeking any direct or indirect interest in it. Should understand customer and adopt problem solving approach, Field Visit on all high value and critical accounts & Field Visit on all cases where team member not able to crack the case, Maintaining good and decent behavior while dealing the customer , visiting his property , shop , guarantee & Guarantor’s place & Tracing customers that are unreachable through references, neighbors and other sources of information. Such tasks must be performed with sincerity and maturity , not causing any harm to the goodwill and the dignity of the client . Under any circumstance, any information about the client should not be disclosed to the third party & Should adhere to code of conduct of the company. Timely reporting to supervisors and seniors time to time. Compliance & Risk Responsibilities_Taking the responsibility of company information – No Third party info disclosure , Verbal , written , soft copy, mail any way, Safeguarding company assets provided for serving job responsibilities , like Identity Card , SIM, Marketing material , Computer Systems, Company provided Mobile and printer & Updating supervisors and system with latest information of customer gathered during visit. (Feedback, Contact Number & address, third party ownership).

This post is listed Under  Delhi jobs

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