MEDICAL CANNABIS AND DISPENSARY INSPECTOR Job Vacancy in Sanford Federal, Inc. Lanai City, HI – Latest Jobs in Lanai City, HI

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Full Details :
Company Name :
Sanford Federal, Inc.
Location : Lanai City, HI

Job Description : Job Title: MEDICAL CANNABIS AND DISPENSARY INSPECTORBased at : Hawaii , USAOverview: Our Company requires an Medical Cannabis And Dispensary Inspector to conduct inspections of dispensary facilities and operations set forth in Section (Specific Tasks )Requirements: 1. Education(Bachelor’s degree) Graduation from an accredited four (4) year college or university degree programMaster’s degree preferred and may substitute for one year of specialized experience.2. ExperienceThree (3) years of progressively responsible professional investigative experience such as in:law enforcement or a regulated industry which demonstrated:a. Initiative, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and judgment required to collect, assemble, anddevelop facts and other pertinent data.b. Ability to think logically and objectively, to analyze and evaluate facts, evidence, andrelated information, and arrive at sound conclusions.c. Skill in written and oral reports and presentation of investigative findings in a clear and concise mannerd. Tact, discretion, and skilled in gaining the cooperation and confidence of others. Specific Responsibilities: 1. Conducts on-site, virtual, scheduled, and unannounced inspections of production centers anddispensaries to determine compliance with state and federal regulations.2. Meets with licensees and facility administrators and personnel following inspections toreview findings verbally. Weigh comments and rebuttals to assure findings prior tosubmitting them in writing to the administrator, licensee, and/or governing body, notingdeficiencies which will require a written plan of correction.3. Reviews the licensee’s written plan of correction for accuracy and appropriateness and toensure correction will be obtained. Based on collected information, write recommendationsfor issuing or renewing a license including the justification for acceptance or denial.4. Based on findings, recommends penalties including termination of license when a licensee isdetermined not to meet state regulatory requirements. Compile records and data to supportrecommendations and submits these to supervisor/manager for appropriate action.5. Makes determinations of when supplemental inspections or site visits are warranted to ensurecontinuing compliance with the written plan of correction.6. Determines if appropriate quality assurance, safety, and security monitoring plans are inplace and if they are being implemented and followed.7. Receives, documents, and investigates complaints and allegations of noncompliance withstate regulations. Documents findings and recommends follow-up action tosupervisor/manager. If substantiated or confirmed, initiates appropriate action and developsdata and reports to justify actions pending any appeal by the licensee.8. Monitors inventory and compliance testing data on an ongoing basis to maintain situationalawareness of licensee activities that may indicate violation of state rules and regulations orimpacts to patient, product, or public safety.9. Receives and reviews plans for new dispensary facilities and improvements to existingfacilities to determine compliance with state and county building and safety requirements.10. Presents expert testimony on behalf of the department as necessary in any formal or informalappeals process related to dispensary licensing and inspections.11. Provides, presents, and explains licensing program regulations and procedural requirementsto prospective licensees, licensees, patient care personnel, patients or families, other Stateagencies, and the public as appropriate.12. Drafts correspondence, responses, and reports on behalf of section, program, and department.13. Communicates observations of regulatory issues and recommends solutions to theDispensary Licensing Section supervisor and program manager of the Office of MedicalCannabis Control and Regulation for consideration and implementation.14. Provides comments, recommendations, consultation and interpretation toward state andfederal regulations, program policies and procedures, work process forms, etc.15. Serves as team lead on at least two (2) topic areas to receive/respond to inquiries and serve asprimary resource person within the office. Examples of topics include but are not limited tosecurity systems, inventory tracking technologies, plant cultivation, manufacturing ofauthorized products, packaging and labelling, advertising, state and federal laws, etc.16. Participates in specialty projects such as development of materials, work groups, analysis ofprogram performance data, pilot programs and/or studies designed to improve the quality ofcare and/or efficiency of the licensing process and development of recommendations forrevisions or changes to existing program policies, criteria, standards and procedures, andadministrative rules.17. Provides consultative guidance to administrative support staff in conducting backgroundcheck reviews18. Coordinates and works collaboratively with dispensary licensing and patient registry staff, aswell as those of other state and county agencies to achieve program objectives.19. Works collaboratively with administrative support staff for intra-state and out-of-state travelfor inspections, trainings, and presentations at conferences and meetings.20. Participates in ongoing continuing education and training activities as assigned.Job Type: Full-time

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