Policy Analysis Support Job Vacancy in CeleraPro Lakewood, CO 80123 – Latest Jobs in Lakewood, CO 80123

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Full Details :
Company Name :
Location : Lakewood, CO 80123
Position : Policy Analysis Support

Job Description : Responsibilities include:

Provide services to update and (or) develop new Bureau wide policies and procedures;
Writing and editing policy/procedural documents;
Reviewing legal authorities, policy statements, and matters of Bureau directives compliance for USGS Survey Manual content (majority Web based);
Identifying inconsistencies in the Bureau Directives System;
Ensuring compliance with writing standards;
Surveying stakeholders to gather quantitative and qualitative data for directives management, to perform trend analysis that may be useful in formulating new policies or procedures for the Bureau
Analyzing data on the use of directives-based forms and other ancillary directives to help ensure they are valid, user friendly, and appropriately vetted; drafting correspondence briefs and other types of correspondence documents.

This post is listed Under Colorado jobs

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