Avian Field Technician Job Vacancy in Student Conservation Association Fairbanks, AK 99701 – Latest Jobs in Fairbanks, AK 99701

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Full Details :
Company Name :
Student Conservation Association
Location : Fairbanks, AK 99701
Position : Avian Field Technician

Job Description : Conservation Begins Here.
Avian Field Technician – Kanuti and Yukon Flats NWR’s Spring and Summer
Expected DatesMarch 28, 2022 to September 11, 2022
SiteYukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Position IDPO-00729765
*Dates and duties subject to changes depending on COVID-19 protocols
April-June – Kanuti NWR work, July-Sept – Yukon Flats NWR work
The selected intern will assist refuge biologists with biological programs at both Kanuti and Yukon Flats refuges. In spring-early summer (mid-April-June), the selected intern will primarily assist Kanuti NWR’s biologist with a breeding biology and survival study of Lesser Yellowlegs. Research activities include re-sighting of marked birds, territory mapping, nest searching and monitoring, capture/marking of adults and chicks, and habitat descriptions. The two-person crew will conduct field work out of a remote cabin on the Kanuti River, accessible by small ski- or oatplane, about 150 miles northwest of Fairbanks. Intern will further assist biologist with documenting area’s hydrology (e.g., ice/snow break-up), phenology (including plants [leaf out, owering, etc.], birds [arrival, nesting], and other biotic and abiotic phenomena. Additional spring avian work includes assistance with point counts for songbirds (Breeding Bird Surveys) and breeding pairs of ducks. Non-avian work at Kanuti Refuge includes periodic bee sampling and servicing of camera traps for mammals.
The last two weeks of July intern will assist a biologist in a 8-10 day waterfowl production survey on the Yukon Flats Refuge which includes identification of waterfowl hens and identification and aging of young. Emphasis of survey will be on diving ducks, require tent camping and transportation on survey plots will be by canoe. From late July to end of August intern will assist in mallard banding project which requires identification, sexing, and aging of prominent waterfowl of interior Alaska. Intern will stay at a remote Yukon Flats Refuge cabin and transportation will be by canoe and motorized boat.
Other duties of the intern will include maintenance of both Kanuti and Yukon Flats refuge cabins and associated facilities and equipment (e.g., launching and servicing boats, camp chores). If time allows, inside work (in cabins or Fairbanks) will include data entry and facilitation of logistics for various projects.
Refuge cabins have many amenities, including: solar electricity, propane stove, refrigerator, and freezer, but no running water. Access to the study area is by motorized boat, canoe, and hiking. The study areas are typical of the boreal forest biome with rivers, many wetlands, bogs, tussock meadows, spruce forest, burn scars, etc. In addition to the vibrant bird life there, the full complement of boreal mammals occurs, including moose, black and brown bears, wolf, red fox, lynx, river otter, beavers, etc.
Potential candidates should be mature and self-motivated, and work well in a small crew in a very remote setting. Preference will be given to those with demonstrated experience in bird surveys/research and remote field work. Candidate should expect challenging environmental conditions (heat, rain, insect harassment), hiking long distances over uneven terrain with a moderately sized daypack, and potential bear encounters.
Compensation amounts:

$1,500 – one time RT travel allowance
$280 – weekly living allowance
$200 – duty related travel
$400 – training and additional gear allowance (e.g., khaki pants, rubber boots, bug jackets, etc…)
AmeriCorps eligible ($2,321.90 education award)

*All allowances subject to applicable federal, state, and local taxes
*Please include a 1-2 page resume as an attachment with your general SCA application
Conditions of Employment: Beginning on 1/18/22, all new SCA volunteer program participants are required to be fully vaccinated. Full vaccination is defined as having received a booster shot six months after the Pfizer and Moderna primary series and two months after the Johnson & Johnson primary series.
Location Description

Headquarters for both refuges is Fairbanks, Alaska’s second largest city with typical amenities of a small city. Kanuti NWR is ~150 miles from Fairbanks with the nearest village (Allakaket) 12 hours away by boat. Kanuti NWR is roadless so access is limited. Kanuti Lake Cabin (see PD for site description and amenities) is in a very remote part of interior Alaska. Yukon Flats NWR is also roadless and situated about 100 air miles north of Fairbanks. The 11.2 million acre refuge includes 7 villages, the 10,000 square mile Yukon Flats wetland basin, and is bisected by the Yukon River. Yukon Flats Refuge cabin is situated at Canvasback Lake, located in the central Yukon Flats about 35 miles southwest of Fort Yukon.

Training Provided

Bear safety and awareness, Bear firearms and bear spray, Aviation safety, Aircraft water ditching training, and other safety training as deemed necessary; hands-on training in bird identification, surveying, capture, banding, tracking.

Educational/Recreational Opportunities

There are lots of recreational opportunities in and around Fairbanks, Alaska. The Refuge itself is also a great place to recreate. Working in the field on biological projects may feel like a recreational expedition.

Apply Today!
The Student Conservation Association, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.
Job Types: Full-time, Temporary, Internship
Pay: $1,120.00 per month

Relocation assistance


Monday to Friday

Work Location: One location

This post is listed Under Alaska jobs

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